Advanced depreciation calculation consolidation
This allows you to define how you wish to consolidate the profit and loss advanced depreciation transactions.
- Asset Code From/To
- Check the Asset Code check box to consolidate the profit and loss posting by asset code into one transaction line. You can specify the range of asset codes to be consolidated, or alternatively leave the From and To fields blank with the check box checked if you want all asset codes to be consolidated.
- Analysis Dimension
- For each analysis dimension, check the check box to consolidate the profit and loss posting by that analysis dimension into one transaction line. You can specify the range of analysis codes to be consolidated, or alternatively leave the From and To fields blank with the check box checked if you want all analysis codes for that dimension to be consolidated. Additionally, analysis codes are removed if the analysis is not allowed for the relevant advanced depreciation account.
In addition to consolidation, you can also use Business Rules to set or validate analysis codes on the generated transactions. To do this, create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Asset Advanced/Reduction Depreciation Calculation, and use a Call Point of either 00015 Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on System Generated Transactions.
If you use both Consolidation and Business Rules for this function, the analysis codes validated and set by Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the codes set (or removed) by Consolidation. This is because the Business Rules operate after the Consolidation process finishes setting analysis codes on the generated transactions.