Automatically generating balancing lines in ledger entry

System generated journal balancing lines can be generated for Value 1, Value 3 and Value 4, by setting their respective Currency Amount Balancing options to Automatic in Business Unit Setup.
Note: Balancing lines cannot be automatically generated for Value 2 (transaction currency), but you can check that it balances by setting its Currency Amount Balancing option to Manual.

If you set the Trans Ref Balancing for Entry option on the Transaction Rules tab of Ledger Setup (LES), then balancing is performed in Ledger Entry (LEN) by transaction reference for those Values (1, 3 or 4) specified as Automatic in Business Unit Setup. In other words, balancing lines are generated if the journal is not balanced by transaction reference. You do not need to create a business rule for this option.

If you want Ledger Entry (LEN) to balance by one of the available fields other than transaction reference (for example, by one of the ledger analysis dimensions), then select the desired field in the Balance By option in Ledger Setup (LES).

You can generate two levels of balancing lines in Ledger Entry (LEN): by transaction reference and by another field (for example, ledger analysis 7). If you want to do this, in Ledger Setup (LES) select the desired field in the Balance By option, and set the Trans Ref Balancing for Entry option. To successfully generate these two levels of balancing lines, you must also create the business rule described above.


The following table shows a journal entry of four lines, unbalanced in Value 3 both by transaction reference and by ledger analysis 7. Five auto-balancing lines are generated, as described in the Comments column:

Account Code Base Amount Debit / Credit Value 3 Amount Transaction Reference Ledger Analysis 7 Comments
101BOA31 200 D 100 BALTEST1 A10 Ledger Entry line 1
101BOA32 200 C 95 BALTEST1 A10 Ledger Entry line 2
101BOA31 200 D 100 BALTEST2 B12 Ledger Entry line 3
101BOA32 200 C 95 BALTEST2 B12
751FX 0 C 5 BALTEST1   Generated line to balance transaction reference BALTEST1 Ledger Entry line 4
751FX 0 C 5 BALTEST2   Ledger Entry line 4Generated line to balance transaction reference BALTEST2
751FX 0 C 5 System Balancing Transaction A10 Generated line to balance Ledger Analysis 7 Code A10
751FX 0 C 5 System Balancing Transaction B12 Generated line to balance Ledger Analysis 7 Code B12
999 0 D 10 System Balancing Transaction   Generated line to balance the journal
Note: For the above example to work, the Currency Amount Balancing must be set to Automatic on the Value 3 tab of Business Unit Setup.

If you want to validate that the journal balances by one of the available fields without automatically generating balancing lines, you can do this for Value 1, 2 or 4 by setting their Currency Amount Balancing options to Manual in Business Unit Setup. Manual Balancing is not possible for Currency Value 3.