Ledger Revaluation Reports
If you choose not to post transactions and have set the Exchange Gain/Loss Post Rule field in Ledger Setup (LES) to Losses Only, or Gains Only, you can run a report to show what would be posted in Ledger Revaluation (LER).
The revaluation report shows the ledger amount and revalued amount for each revalued transaction. You can specify whether you want the report to include all revaluations, regardless of whether they are gains or losses. You can also specify whether you want to include all transaction details, or only transactions which have been revalued.
For each currency code it shows the ledger totals, the revalued totals, and the difference. At the end of the report, the postings generated for the unrealized gains/losses accounts are shown.
Transactions posted during Ledger Revaluation use the next available journal number. You can print them using the Journal Listing.