Financial statement example - sample balance sheet layout
An example of a balance sheet report has been set up in the demonstration business unit, PK1. The layout code BS has been defined using Financial Statements Layouts (FSL) as a sample balance sheet.
The same column codes are available in financial statements as in financial analysis. This balance sheet report uses the following column codes:
- BA-Account Balance
- BH-Balance Last Period
- BI-Variance between this period and last
- BJ-Variance as a Percentage.
The column codes are defined using Financial Reports Column Headings (FRH).
The entry in the Row Content Code field at the bottom of the Filter tab identifies the set of financial statement rows associated with this report.
The selection codes and level codes are defined in the same way as financial analysis. The levelling in this balance sheet report enables you to have a separate copy of the report for analysis codes, for example, for each department or project code.
The Ratio Base Account range is used if one of your columns codes reports a ratio. Ratio columns are calculated against this range of accounts. For example, the base range might include both current assets and fixed assets. The total of these accounts is taken as 100%, and other lines are calculated as a ratio of this.