- Click the General tab in the Financial Table Rows (FTR) dialog
Specify this information:
- Type
The type of row you require. The following types are available: Heading, Page Heading, Row, Continuation, T1-T7 Totals, and Statistic.
Note: Use blank Heading rows to space the report. - Name
A description to be printed on the row. This is required for Row and Total type rows. The name is printed on the row in the position defined by the Row Description column basis in the Financial Table Columns.
- Row Basis
The selection basis for the row. This is required for Row, Continuation and Statistic row types. It determines the transactions selected for the row.
If the table format references a set of table columns that use Account codes as the column basis, then this option can be left blank if no further selection is required.
- Row Basis From/To
If you have selected a Row Basis, you must enter a code, or range of codes, for the basis to determine the transactions values to be selected for the row.
Leave these fields blank to include all codes. You can use masks by entering '*' asterisks in the character positions to be ignored.
- Selection 1-3
If you are using a row type of Line, Continuation or Statistic, you can define up to three selection criteria to further restrict the transactions included in the values on the row.
You can pick from a large number of transaction details to restrict the transactions.
Note: Only transactions that match all of the selection criteria are included in the row. - Selection From/To 1-3
If you have chosen a selection dimension, you must enter a value, or range of acceptable values, for the dimension. For example, if the selection dimension is Ledger Transaction Analysis Dimension 2, enter the range of acceptable analysis codes for this dimension.
You can use masking to define the selection. Enter '*' asterisks for the characters you want to mask. For example, enter AA*** to select codes beginning with AA, followed by any three characters.
- Normal Sign
Select Debit or Credit on line types Row and T1 to T7 Totals to indicate the normal sign for the type of accounts or codes included in the row. Leave this blank on other line types. Values are shown as positive if they have the sign chosen here, and negative if they have the opposite sign. Continuation lines always use the Normal Sign indicated on the previous Row type.
For example, if you have chosen a range of expense accounts, select Debit as the normal sign. Any amounts with a credit value are printed as a negative to indicate they had the opposite sign to the one expected.
- Break Out Details
Use this to determine whether a separate row is printed for each code in the row basis range, with each code name in place of the row name. Otherwise a single line is printed containing the summarized values for all the codes in the range. Separate lines form an extra level of subtotal.
- Save your changes.