Selecting the Data for a Financial Report
The SunSystems report writers use account codes, selection codes and level codes to control the content of a report. Selection codes dictate which transactions are to be included in the report. Level codes control the sequence, or order, of the data on the report and also where the total breaks occur.
For example, if one of your ledger transaction analysis dimensions identifies a sales region, you can design a report which selects sales accounts, sequences sales by region for a specified time period, and reports the totals for each region.
Selection Codes
You define an account code range and selection code criteria to control the content of a report.
You can define up to five run-time selection criteria for a Financial Analysis or Financial Statement report. This criteria allows you to determine, at run-time, the transactions available to the report.
For example, if you want to report by department, you would specify the department analysis dimension as one of the selection criteria in the financial analysis or financial statement layout. Then, when you run the report using Financial Analysis (FNA) or Financial Statements (FSS) you are asked to enter a range of department analysis codes which will be used to select the transactions to include in the report.
The five selections are applied jointly, so a transaction has to fall within all, not just one of, the ranges of selections specified, if it is to be included in the report.
In Financial Analysis (FNA), five run-time selection criteria are defined in Financial Analysis Layouts (FNL) and they determine the transactions for the entire report.
In Financial Statements (FSS), up to five run-time selection can be defined in Financial Statement Layouts (FSL) and apply to the report as a whole. Additional selection criteria can apply to each report line and these are defined in Financial Statements Rows (FSR).
In Financial Tables different selection criteria can determine the content of each column and each row. The report column selection criteria is defined in Financial Table Columns (FTC) and the selection criteria for each is defined in Financial Table Rows (FTR).