What Data is Excluded from the Rebuild Process?
Any transactions that do not have budget checks defined for the accounts or analysis codes specified in their transaction lines are excluded from the rebuild process.
In Order Fulfilment, any purchase order or invoice lines that have not yet passed the budget checking stage defined in Purchase Business Setup (PBS) are excluded from the rebuild process. For example, held purchase orders and invoices are excluded.
In the Financials ledgers, any held journals are not included in the rebuild process.
System generated journals (journal type SYSTM) are excluded from the budget rebuild process, as indeed they are from all budget check functionality.
Historical transactions that have been archived using Ledger Cleardown (LCL) are not used in the rebuild process. However, the corresponding summary balances (posted in the ledger by the cleardown) are used.
Any data in the commitment ledger is not considered in the rebuild process.
Order Fulfilment Batch Postings to the Ledger (BPL) that have not yet been processed are excluded from the budget balances rebuild. This could mean that confirmed purchase invoices in the purchase invoice table may not yet exist as ledger transactions in the actual ledger. In such cases, the expenditure amount in the budget balances table may not reconcile with the actual ledger. Thus it is recommended that Order Fulfilment Batch Postings to the Ledger should be processed before rebuilding budget balances.
Ledger Import files that have not yet been processed are not considered in the rebuild process. These could include failed batch postings from Order Fulfilment, and thus again it is recommended that these be processed before rebuilding budget balances.
Any data previously in the budget balances table is not considered in the rebuild process. Nor is data previously in the purchase order consumed budget table, nor the purchase invoice consumed budget table.