What are Budget Balances?
If you are using expenditure checking, SunSystems maintains a table of all defined budget checks, including the budgeted amounts and consumptions from those budgets. This is known as the 'budget balances table', and is completely separate from all of the ledgers (actual, budget or commitment).
Using the budget balances table, the available budget can be readily ascertained for any combination of budget check account, period and analysis codes, providing a budget check has been defined for that combination in Budget Check Setup (BCS).
Expenditure checking is performed against the budget balances table, and not against transactions entered in the budget ledger.
Expenditure checking can be used both for ledger transactions and for Order Fulfilment purchase invoice transactions. If you are using expenditure checking for purchase invoices, then an additional table called the 'purchase invoice consumed budget table' is used to link the budget balances to the individual lines of purchase invoices.
If you are using purchase orders in Order Fulfilment, and have defined commitment checking for purchase order entry, then an additional table called the 'purchase order consumed budget table' is used to link the budget balances to individual lines of purchase orders. The approved amount from each purchase order is registered as committed expenditure in the budget balances table, and this can be traced back to the purchase order via the purchase order consumed budget table.
Commitment checking during purchase order entry is also performed against the budget balances table, and not against the commitment or budget ledgers.