Producing One-off Payments
Goods or services may be purchased on a one-off basis, from a supplier you are unlikely to use again. You do not need to define all of the supplier details and create a corresponding creditor/payables account for these one-off suppliers.
Instead you can define a single one-off supplier and associated creditor/payables account and use this to record all of your miscellaneous purchases. You should set up the supplier in Supplier (SUS) with a payment method of Single Payment.
When you want to produce payments for these one-off suppliers, you must select the Single Payment payment method in the Payment Run (PYR) dialog and use the selection criteria to select your one-off creditor/payables account(s).
The payment run produces a separate payment for each transaction selected for payment on the one-off creditor/payables account. The name of the payee for the payment documents, for example cheque or remittance advice, is taken from the transaction description.