Presetting the Amounts
Using Journal Presets (JNP) you can preset the currency amount details on a journal, including the transaction currency code, currency rates and currency amounts.
You can preset any of the five values that can be entered on a transaction: base currency value, transaction currency value, second base/reporting currency value, a memo value, and a fourth currency value.
You can preset any of the currency conversion rates required to convert from the pivot currency into another currency (Values 1, 2, and 3). The currency rates required depend on which of Values 1, 2, and 3 has been defined as the pivot currency. For example, if the base currency is the pivot, you do not need to enter a rate in the Base Rate field as this rate is always 1.0000.
Alternatively, you can enter an actual amount, percentage or ratio in the Amount field, for each of the currency values. You must ensure these produce results which are within the rate tolerances.
When percentages or ratios are used in presets, to allow the rounding difference to be included on the final line of the percentage or ratio split, you must enter a '+' plus sign on the final preset line of the split. For example, 1R+ or 33.33%+.
Presetting the Amount as a Percentage
If a percentage is entered, the line value is calculated as this percentage of the base line value. The percentage is entered as n%, for example 5%. The percentages do not need to add up to 100. You might use this facility to post budget figures automatically.
Presetting the Amount using Ratios
A ratio works in a similar way to the percentage option in that the line value is calculated from the base line value. However, there are two differences:
- All of the lines that use a ratio to preset the amount must reference the same base line.
- The ratio facility will apportion 100% of the value on the base line across the lines that specify a ratio proportion.
A ratio is entered as nR, for example 5R or 12.6R.
You can also choose the following automatically generated amounts by selecting the appropriate option in the Debit/Credit field:
- Journal Balance - calculates the out-of-balance amount for the journal
- Transaction Balance - calculates the out-of-balance amount for lines with this transaction reference within the journal
- Period Balance - calculates the out-of-balance amount for the period for this journal
- Txn Balance plus Unposted - The transaction out of balance amount plus the net out-of-balance amount of all unposted lines. This is normally used with ratios.