Restricting postings to periods
When you enter a journal transaction to SunSystems Financials you post to a particular accounting period. This period is entered on the journal transaction and is not derived from the transaction date.
The number of accounting periods in your financial year is defined in Financial Calendars (FCS) and Business Unit Administration (BUA). For example, you might operate four quarterly accounting periods, 52 weekly periods, or 12 monthly periods. An accounting period is defined as the period number, and financial year e.g. 004/2021.
You can post a journal to any open accounting period, not just the current period.
The range of open periods is defined in Financial Calendars (FCS) and controls the periods to which journals can be posted in Ledger Entry, Ledger Import, and so on. To preserve the integrity of your finalised financial reports, you may want to restrict the number of prior periods that are open for posting.
You can restrict entries to one period by identifying a single period only in the Open Periods From field. You can also choose to allow postings to the current period only, that is, to the period specified in the Current Period field.
If the range is left blank, there are no posting restrictions and you can post to any accounting period.
You can enter relative period numbers, for example +nnn or -nnn, where nnn is the number of periods before or after the current period. If the current period is 006/2021 and your open period fields are set to -003 and +003, journals can be posted for the periods 003/2021 through to 009/2021.
The range of open periods can be restricted for a group of users using the Security Console or User Manager. In the Groups tab, edit the appropriate group and select .
Controlling date entry
The range of open dates defined in Ledger Setup (LES) and Financial Calendars (FCS) controls the range of dates in which journals can be posted. The transaction date used in a journal must be within this range. You are warned if the dates do not conform.
You can leave the dates unrestricted if you want. Otherwise, you can enter a specific date, or range of dates. You can use relative dates, in the form +nnn and -nnn. You can also restrict transaction dates to the current system date.