Additional Fields Setup (AFS)

Use Additional Fields Setup to define specific purposes for any of the additional fields by assigning them a heading and a description.

  1. Open Additional Fields Setup (AFS) from the main SunSystems menu.
  2. Specify this information:
    Column Type

    The type of field required - either General Description or General Date.

    Column Number

    The number of the additional field. 1 to 25 for general description fields and 1 to 5 for general date fields.

    Short Heading

    The Short Heading is a shortened version of the description, and can be used instead of the full name where space is limited.


    The name or description for this field. It is used to identify the additional field on reports, inquiries, and forms.

    Amendable in Allocations

    Specifies if the data within this field should be amendable within Account Allocations (ACA).

  3. Save your changes.