Assigning Operators to a Users Team

Each user team contains one or more operators. Operators must have been defined using Security Console or User Manager before they can be added to a team.

This form can only be accessed from User Team Setup (UTS) by clicking Authorizer Operators.

Click Insert to add an operator to the user team. Enter the following information for the operator:

  1. Specify this information:
    Operator Code

    As defined in Security Console or User Manager.

    Principal Team

    Select this option if this operator is a principal member of the team.

    Start Date

    The date from which the user is a member of the team. If this is blank, the user is immediately a member.

    End Date

    The last date the operator is a member of the user team. If this is blank the user is permanently a member. You might enter a date here if a person is moving to a different role after a particular date.

  2. Save your changes.