Allocation Codes (ALC)
- Open Allocation Codes (ALC) from the main SunSystems menu.
Specify this information:
- Allocation Action Code
The allocation action that triggers this allocation code. When this allocation action occurs for a transaction, the associated allocation code is updated onto the transaction. These allocation actions are predefined and occur within particular Financials functions.
- Allocation Code
The code that will be applied to a transaction to identify its status when the associated allocation action occurs.
The allocation code can contain up to 5 characters and each character can be updated separately on a transaction, without altering the other characters. This is useful if more than one status applies to the transaction. If you only want to update some of the characters in the allocation code, you must use '-' hyphens in this field to indicate the characters which are not to be updated. For example, if you entered --F in this field, the third character of the allocation code field on each transaction would be changed to an F and the first two characters would not be altered.
- Lookup Code
- A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set to FUELEXP.
- Name
- A descriptive name to identify the allocation code.
- Description
- A mandatory description to identify the allocation code.
- Data Access Group Code
- The Data Access Group is used to restrict operator access to the data, for example, to an account or customer record. Leave this blank to allow any user to access the record. Data Access Groups are maintained using Security Console.
- Allocation Action
- Used to set or update the allocation action for individual transactions, as per the Allocation Action field above.