Overview of the Rebuild Process

Before running the rebuild, you must:

  • process any Order Fulfilment batch postings relating to purchase transactions using Batch Postings to the Ledger (BPL)
  • process any Ledger Import (LIM) postings that may be for budget checking accounts
  • ensure that no operators are entering transactions in the ledger or in purchase order entry. This could corrupt the rebuild process.
  1. From SunSystems, select Rebuild Budget Balances (RBB). The Rebuild Budget Balances form is displayed.
    Enter a description for this run of the rebuild process. This field is displayed on the rebuild budget balance report at the end of the process.
    Business Unit Code
    Display only. Displays the business unit for which the budget balances will be rebuilt.
    Primary Budget Ledger
    Display only. Displays the letter of the primary budget ledger defined for the business unit in Business Unit Setup.
    Purchase Commitment Ledger
    Display only. Displays the letter of the purchase commitment ledger defined for the business unit.
  2. Click OK. A message is displayed asking you to confirm you have read the documentation and that you understand the consequences of the rebuild process.
  3. When you finish reading and fully understand this Help topic, click Yes to start processing.
  4. The budget balance table is cleared. The purchase order and invoice consumed budget tables are cleared.
  5. The budget balance table is reconstructed using transactions. First, the total budget values are recreated using transactions in the budget ledger. Then, all of the relevant transactions from the Actual ledger, purchase orders and invoices are merged into one list, and sorted in order of their transaction date/time, oldest transaction first, so that budget is consumed in the correct chronological order. Ledger transactions are ignored if they originate from purchase invoices, so that the corresponding budget is only consumed once. The budget balances table is updated for each transaction, and if the budget is exceeded then a message is written to the log file.
  6. If the rebuild is successful, a message is displayed stating that the rebuild process has completed normally. Otherwise, the process halts when an error occurs and all entries in this rebuild are reversed.
  7. The Document Format Runtime Parameters form is displayed. Specify the Document Format Code as RBB1, and click OK to view an exception report of any errors that occurred during the rebuild process. Otherwise click Cancel.
  8. Check that the rebuilt balances are correct, using a Control Desk to interrogate the values in the budget balances table, and if necessary using the report facilities to list details from the purchase order consumed budget and purchase invoice consumed budget tables.