Preparing the target business unit
Complete these steps to prepare the target business unit for ledger conversion.
- Open Business Unit Administration (BUA) from the main SunSystems menu.
- Create and set up a new business unit.
Define the static data for the business unit. In particular you should set
- Chart of accounts codes
- Analysis dimensions and codes, if they are required
- Currency codes and rates.
Note: You may be able to use the Copy option in Business Unit Administration (BUA) to set up the static data for the new business unit by copying it from an existing business unit. However, you must be very careful, especially in a multi-currency environment if the new business unit requires a different pivot currency. This is because the currency rates are always defined 'from' the pivot currency. If you are copying a business unit you must select the Suppress Ledger Transactions check box as these are processed by the conversion. -
Set up a journal type for the balancing postings.
Note: You might want to set up a journal preset to assign analysis codes to the new transactions.