Configuring ION integration settings
Note: Clicking Default button resets the
property to the system default value.
Specify ION integration settings.
- Open Configuration Manager (CGM).
- Select Integration > ION.
Configure the machine settings:
- Scope
- Select the servers for which Machine settings are relevant. To apply Machine settings to all servers, select DEFAULT. To apply Machine settings to a specific server, select the server name. The default value is DEFAULT.
- Integration message file directory
- The location of the SSC integration message files. The default is %(SunSystems\install.AppDataLocation)%\MessageFiles.
Configure the system settings:
- Days to retain messages in Inbox
- The number of days a message, delivered by ION, is retained in the inbox after processing. The default is 7.
- PurchaseOrder BOD Threshold
- The maximum number of lines in a PurchaseOrder BOD. The default is 1000.
- SalesOrder BOD Threshold
- The maximum number of lines in a SalesOrder BOD. The default is 1000.
- SourceSystemGLMovement BOD Threshold
- The maximum number of lines in each SourceSystemGLMovement BOD. The default is 1000.
- SourceSystemJournalEntry BOD Threshold
- The maximum number of lines in a SourceSystemJournalEntry BOD. The default is 1000.