Configuring the folder settings

Note: Clicking Default resets the property to the system default value.
Note: Some properties require the SunSystems services to be restarted for changes to take effect. Where indicated by the Restart Services icon, use the Restart Services application to reset the services.

To configure the folder settings for SSC:

  1. Open Configuration Manager (CGM).
  2. Select SSC > Folder.
  3. Configure the machine settings:
    Select the servers for which the machine settings are relevant. To apply machine settings to all servers, select DEFAULT. To apply machine settings to a specific server, select the server name. The default value is DEFAULT.
    Default Directory for Empty Payload Definition
    Specify the default directory for the empty payload definition.
    Directory of SASI Scripts
    Specify the location of all SASI scripts on your local machine. The default value is %(system.ssc_install_dir)%\lib\drivers\SASI.
    Directory of User Scripts
    Specify the location of user scripts. The default value is %(sunsystems6.sasi.user_script_base)%\scripts.
    SASI Class Files Folder
    Specify the folder where compiled SASI scripts are generated. A modified SASI script is converted to Java then compiled. The resulting .class files are stored in the SASI Class Files folder. The default value is %(SunSystems\install.MainDir)%\SSC\components
    SSC Installation Folder
    Specify the location of the SSC folder. This must be a sub-folder of the main installation folder. The default value is %(SunSystems\install.MainDir)%\SSC.
  4. Save your changes.