Configuring the display settings

Note: Clicking Default resets the property to the system default value.
Note: Some properties require the SunSystems services to be restarted for changes to take effect. Where indicated by the Restart Services icon, use the Restart Services application to reset the services.

To configure the display settings for SSC:

  1. Open Configuration Manager (CGM).
  2. Select SSC > Display.
  3. Configure the machine settings:
    Select the servers for which the machine settings are relevant. To apply machine settings to all servers, select DEFAULT. To apply machine settings to a specific server, select the server name. The default value is DEFAULT.
    Components Location
    Each property in this group specifies a component location. The default value is the SSC installation directory, or %(system.ssc_install_dir)%\components.
    Restart services.
    Display Node in Information Panel
    Select On to display node information in Workbench. The default value is On.
    Restart services.
    Display Node in Tooltips
    Select On to display node information in a tooltip. The default value is On.
    Restart services.
    Display Payload Definition After Creation
    Select On to open the payload definition immediately after you create it. The default value is On.
    Double Click to Explode Tree
    The behaviour of the tree node in Component Manager. Select On to open a node editor when you double-click a tree node. Select Off to expand and contract a node when you double-click it. The default value is Off.
    Hierarchy in Payload Definition
    The hierarchy to be used in the tab. Leave blank to use the default SSC hierarchy.
    Prompt Hierarchy in Payload Definition
    Select On to prompt the user to define the payload definition hierarchy. Select Off to use the hierarchy specified in Hierarchy in Payload Definition. The default value is Off.
    Select Added Leaves
    Select On to display a new leaf after it has been created. Select Off to remain on the currently selected item, after creating a new leaf. The default value is On.
    Select Added Nodes
    Select On to display a new tree node after it has been created. Select Off to remain on the selected item after creating a tree node. The default value is On.
    Show Action Buttons
    Select On to enable action buttons in Workbench. Select Off to disable action buttons. The default value is On.
    Restart services.
    Workbench server side applications locale
    The locale of the server used by Workbench. The default value is 01.
  4. Save your changes.