Multiply or divide rates
This determines whether the From currency value is multiplied or divided by the rate entered to calculate the To currency.
For example, if a GBP-EUR rate of 1.63 has been defined (from GBP to EUR), and a sterling value is entered on a transaction, the EUR equivalent is calculated as: GBP value x 1.63.
The currency conversion process works in both directions, regardless of which way you define the conversion rate. For example, if a GBP-EUR rate of 1.63 has been defined (from GBP to EUR), and a euro value is entered on a transaction, the GBP equivalent is calculated as: EUR value / 1.63. Reciprocal rates do not need to be defined.
It is important that you define the conversion rate and Multiply/Divide indicator correctly. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt a standard for each business unit, so that all currency rates are defined as either divide or multiply rates. This avoids confusion.