Data items
These new data items can be referenced in Rule Sets (RST), Event Profiles (EVP) and Rule Data Set Keys (RDK).
This is particularly useful where you are using structured codes, where different sections of a code have distinct meanings, and you need to reference each part of the code separately in a Rule Set. You can redefine the data item to create new, redefined, data items for each element in the code.
For example, Ledger Analysis 3 contains three character Product codes. The first character identifies Product Group and the second and third characters identify the individual Product. Using Redefined Data Items Setup, you can redefine the Ledger Analysis 3 data item to create a new data item called Product Group. Product Group only contains the first character of Ledger Analysis 3. You can then refer to the Product Group data item in a Rule Set, as required.
The new redefined data items appear in the Data Dictionary Lookup list, under the Function Data Hierarchy. This list is sorted alphabetically by description.