Setting up instalment lines for scheduled Payments
Scheduled Payments allows transaction lines to be automatically split according to a schedule of percentages and date information that you configure.
After you configure the options in Scheduled Payments Setup (SCH), select Instalment Lines Setup form. This topic describes the fields displayed in the Instalment Lines Setup form, and how to change details of individual lines.
. Information is then created, as far as possible automatically, in the detailedThe Instalment Lines Setup form consists of two parts - a header and a grid. The header section contains the same fields as the columns of the grid; the only difference is that the header only displays the information for one instalment line at a time. The grid displays all the instalment lines setup, one row for each, and when you first open this form, all the lines are automatically calculated for the payment schedule. The number of lines created depends on the Number of Instalment Lines option set on the Scheduled Payments Setup (SCH) form.