Additional code lists
Use Additional Code Lists (ACL) to store the values used by a particular industry
domain or business, to maintain corresponding static data in SunSystems.
They can also be used as fixed lists for custom extension fields. The additional code lists are maintained by the administrator and are not business unit specific.
Complete these steps to assign an additional code list to a custom extension field.
- Open Analysis Dimensions (AND).
- Select .
- Select the custom extension fields to which you want to attach the additional code list and click Extension Fields Setup form is displayed. . The
- Amend the Reference Code List field to include your new additional code list. The additional codes are now available in the Default Value field.
- A maximum of 100 codes can be stored per additional code list. If you require more than 100 text extension fields then you can use Analysis Dimensions instead of the Additional Code List.
- Codes cannot be deleted if being used by an extension field.