Setting up number streams
There are two parts to the Number Stream function: Number Streams Header and Number Streams Detail Setup.
Select Number Streams (NSS) from SunSystems to access the Number Streams Header Setup form which contains the following fields:
Specify this information in Number Streams Header:
- Number Stream Code
An identifying code for the number stream.
- Status
- Each static data record contains a status code that determines the current processing status of the record. A status is assigned to each static reference record, for example to every account, asset, customer and supplier. It determines the current processing status of the record.
- Open - this status is set automatically when you add a new record, for example, if you create a new account. Open items are available for input, inquiry, processing and reporting.
- Hidden - a record with a hidden status does not appear on any inquiries but is available for input, processing and reporting.
- Suspended/Held - a suspended record.
- Closed/Completed - a closed record cannot be used for input or processing. For example, you cannot post transactions to a closed account or analysis code.
- You can alter the status of a record at any time. You must use the options on the Action menu to change the status.
- Description
- The full name or description of the data item or record. This is used to identify it on reports and inquiries.
- Lookup Code
- A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set to FUELEXP.
- Reserved
If this box is checked the number stream has been predefined at installation and therefore reserved for use.
Specify this information in Number Streams Detail Setup:
- Number Stream Code, Description and Lookup Code
This field is populated automatically from the Number Streams Header Setup form.
- Number Stream Start Date
The date from which the number stream can be used.
- Number Stream End Date
The date up to which the number stream can be used. Both the start and the end date are included in the range of dates, in other words, the number stream can be used on those dates and any dates in between.
- Number Stream Start Period
The period when the number stream can be used from.
- Number Stream End Period
The period when the number stream can be used until.
Note: Ranges must not overlap. You can define either a date range or a period range. You can set a start date/period with no end date/period. You cannot have an end date/period without a start date/period. - Start Sequence Number
The number to start the numbering sequence.
- End Sequence Number
The number to end the numbering sequence.
- Next Sequence Number
The next number to be used in the numbering sequence. If left blank, this defaults to the Start Sequence Number. If this number is being printed on a report or document, it can be overridden at run time if the Next Number Override option is set for the document format using Document Format (DFS).
- Sequence Number Last Movement Date
The date on which this Number Stream was last used.
- Reserved
If this box is checked the number stream has been predefined at installation and therefore reserved for use.
- Save your changes.