Archiving a business unit
This archiving function reduces the size of the database making it more efficient and aids system performance, for example, when reporting or inquiring on transactions.
Business unit archiving makes use of the multi-database architecture of SunSystems. The data is transferred to an archive business unit in another database within the same domain before it is removed from the live data.
The main features of the archiving function are:
- It is only possible for one live business unit to be archived to one archive business unit.
- It is not possible to archive more than one live business unit into one archive business unit.
- It is not possible to archive one live business unit into more than one archive business unit.
- Transaction data cannot exist in both the live and archive business units.
- Static data is transferred but is not removed from the live data.
- Reports and inquiries can be run against the archived data.
- It is not possible to create, amend or delete data in the archive business unit open form.
- It is possible to delete archive transaction data from an archive business unit.
An archive business unit must be set up for the archive data. The archive business unit and the live business unit must both be linked in business unit setup form.
A purchase order must be fully receipted, have passed through the required movement stages and be fully issued through sales orders in order to be included in the archive. If any of the quantity on the purchase order has not passed through these stages, the whole of the quantity is excluded from the archive.
All inventory counts and inventory revaluations must be closed/finished before archiving can be performed.
Ledger archive transactions can also be archived to an archive database. These transactions must be archived in archive tables of a live database by Ledger Cleardown first. Archiving ledger data from a live business unit to an archive business unit will archive these tables in a live business unit:
Archiving ledger data from a live business unit to an archive business unit archives these tables in an archive business unit: