Setting up Sales Invoice/Sales Order drills

If you require Sales Invoice/Sales Order (SISO) drills you can use the functionality of Filter Designer (FLD) and Drill Association Designer (DAD) to set them up. To do this carry out the following steps:

  1. In Filter Designer (FLD) create a new filter.
  2. Select the required SI/SO Drill from the Filter Type drop down list.
  3. From the Data Item Description window select the following Data Items:

    Sales Order Transaction Ref and Transaction Reference Number


    Sales Invoice Id and Line Number

    Note:  You must include the OR statement. These Data Items must all be defined as Run time Entries.
  4. Select or create the required form.
  5. Save the filter.
  6. Open Drill Association Designer (DAD).
  7. Select the required SI/SO Filter Type from the drop down list as selected in step 2.
  8. Create a new drill.
  9. Select the Drill Filter set up in Filter Designer (FLD) from the Drill Filter drop down list.
  10. The Runtime Parameters window displays the list of Data Items set up in step 3. Drag and drop the same Data Items from the Data Items window into the Source Data Item window.
  11. Save the drill.