Understanding the related static data

The Related Static Data option appears on the function data hierarchies for many of the SunSystems functions.

This option groups the data items that can be derived indirectly from the transaction being processed by the system function, rather than data items that are entered directly onto the transaction by the system function.

For example, if an Event Profile is linked to the Ledger Entry function the business rules relate to the ledger transaction details entered using Ledger Entry. A ledger transaction includes many static data codes, for example account codes, currency codes, asset codes, supplier codes and customer codes. The related static data option allows you to reference any of the static data items that are maintained for each of these codes, for example customer name and address, currency rates, asset details, and so on.

Note: You can use these related static data items on a condition statement in conjunction with the EXISTS keyword to determine whether particular information exists. For example, when a customer account code is entered on a ledger transaction you might want to check whether or not an address has been set up for the customer.