Understanding work space areas

Work space areas provide an area of temporary working storage for data values.

Five work space areas are provided for each of the following data types:

  • Amount
  • General
  • Date
  • Period.

Work space areas are used most commonly with the CALCULATE action statement, where a data value is SET to a work space slot.

There are 20 General Workspaces and also 20 Amount Workspaces. A maximum of 50 characters can be stored in each General Workspace.

For example, if you want to calculate the due date for a transaction by adding 30 days to the transaction date you must first copy the transaction date into a work space area.

Command Value 1 Operator Value 2
SET Date Work Space 1 = Transaction Date
CALCULATE Date Work Space 1 + 30
SET Due Date = Date Work Space 1
Note:  The work space areas are shared by all of the business rules that are active for a system function. This enables work space area values to be passed from one rule set to another within the same, or different, event profiles.