Condition statements IF OR condition statements
An OR statement acts as a continuation of the preceding IF statement. It allows the IF statement to compare more than one value against the Value 1 data item, using the same Operator.
An IF statement can be followed by one or more OR statements. The results of the IF statement, which are identified in the Decision Columns, are only entered on the IF statement.
For example, if a business rule only applies when ledger analysis code 5 is either P01, P02 or P05, the rules would be represented as follows:
Command | Value 1 | Operator | Value 2 | Decision Column 1 |
IF | Ledger Analysis 5 | = | P01 | Y |
OR | P02 | |||
OR | P05 |
A rule set can contain more than one IF statement. In this case, the entries in the decision columns for each IF statement determine whether or not the IF statements are related. If a decision column is left blank the IF statement is ignored.