How are currency rates expressed?
A currency rate is used to convert a value in one currency into its equivalent
value in another currency. Therefore, a currency conversion rate is expressed as the rate
required to convert From one currency To another.
For example, you might define the following rates:
From Currency | To Currency | Rate |
GBP | EUR | 1.63 |
GBP | JPY | 189.22 |
GBP | USD | 1.44 |
Note: When the rates are defined, they must be expressed from the pivot
currency to any other valid currency. For example, in the table above GBP is
the pivot currency. In addition, if the fourth and fifth currency values are in
use and can be calculated from a currency other than the pivot, additional
rates may need to be defined From the chosen conversion currencies To the valid
Fourth and Fifth currencies. The conversion currencies are identified in
Business Unit Setup.