Setting up currency codes

  1. Select Currency Codes (CNC) in SunSystems
  2. Specify this information:
    Currency Code
    The code that identifies the currency or other conversion rate.
    Currency Name
    The name of the currency name or conversion unit. This is used for information purposes on various functions and reports.
    Lookup Code
    A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set to FUELEXP.
    Each static data record contains a status code that determines the current processing status of the record. A status is assigned to each static reference record, for example to every account, asset, customer and supplier. It determines the current processing status of the record.
    • Open - this status is set automatically when you add a new record, for example, if you create a new account. Open items are available for input, inquiry, processing and reporting.
    • Hidden - a record with a hidden status does not appear on any inquiries but is available for input, processing and reporting.
    • Suspended/Held - a suspended record.
    • Closed/Completed - a closed record cannot be used for input or processing. For example, you cannot post transactions to a closed account or analysis code.
    You can alter the status of a record at any time. You must use the options on the Action menu to change the status.
    Unit Name

    The currency unit name to be used when converting amounts into sentence format for printing on account documents and on payment documents. For example, to print the amount in words on a cheque.

    Currency Sub-Unit Name

    The currency subunit name to be used when converting amounts into sentence format for printing on account documents and payment documents. For example, to print the amount in words on a cheque.

    Decimals Allowed

    The number of decimal places to be entered for transaction amounts in this currency code. You can enter from 0 to 3 decimal places.

    Split Decimal Naming

    Set this option if this currency requires more than one decimal subunit name, for example, the Chinese currency RMB has the subunit 'Jiao' for the first decimal place and 'Fen' for the second. If you set this option, you must enter name(s) for the subunit(s) in the First, Second, and Third Decimal Name fields below, depending on the setting of the Decimals Allowed option, below.

    Leave this check box unchecked if only one subunit name is required for the currency, for example, as is the case for Pounds, Euros, Dollars, and so on.

    Currency Gender

    The gender of the currency determines the words used in the sentence construction when an amount is written in words. Select Feminine, Neuter, Masculine, or No Gender.

    Banking Currency

    This option is used where Values 4 and 5 are in use, typically if they are used as banking currencies. It defines whether the currency can be used for Values 4 and 5. This applies to the default currencies that can be established for a ledger or account, and to the transactions entered into the system. Three options are available:

    • Acceptable for all currencies - this currency can be used for value 4 or value 5.
    • Not Acceptable for Value 4/Value 5 - this currency cannot be used for value 4 or value 5.
    • Not Acceptable for Value 5 - this currency code cannot be entered for value 5.
    First, Second, Third Decimal Name

    If the Split Decimal Naming option is set (above), enter the different decimal subunit names in these fields. These are the different levels of currency subunit name to be used when converting amounts into sentence format for printing on account documents and payment documents. Only enter the fields as required by the number defined by Decimals Allowed option (above), for example if Decimals Allowed is 2, enter the first decimal name and the second decimal name.

    Realized Gains Account

    The account code to which realized gains are posted. Leave this blank if the realized gains are to be posted to an account code entered at run time, or if net gains/losses are to be posted to a single account.

    Realized Net/Losses Account

    The account code to which net realized amounts are posted. If an account is entered above, realized losses are also posted to this account. Leave this blank if the difference amounts are to be posted to an account code entered at run time.

    Unrealized Gains Account

    The account code to which unrealized gains, generated during Ledger Revaluation (LER), are posted. Leave this blank if any unrealized gains are to be posted to the account code entered at run time, or if net gains/losses are to be posted, or only losses are to be posted.

    Unrealized Net/Losses Account

    The account code to which net unrealized amounts or unrealized losses, generated by Ledger Revaluation, are posted. Leave this blank if the difference amounts are to be posted to the account code entered in Ledger Revaluation, or only gains are to be posted.

    Payment Account

    The payment account identifies the account from which funds are taken during Payment Run (PYR) for payments in this currency. This is normally a bank account code. Leave this blank to use the payment account specified in Payment Run.

    Collection Account

    The Collection Account field identifies the account to which funds are added during Payment Collection Run (PYC) for receipts generated in this currency. This is normally a bank account code. Leave this blank to use the payment account specified in Payment Collection Run.

    Use Daily Conversion Rates

    The type of currency exchange rates to be used for this currency on Ledger Entry (LEN) and Ledger Import (LIM). Two options are available:

    • Yes - To use daily conversion rates. These rates are defined using Currency Daily Rates (CND). You also need to define period rates for use in Ledger Revaluation and Financial Reports.
    • No - To use period conversion rates. These rates are defined using Currency Period Rates (CNP).
  3. Click OK to save your changes.