Understanding the transaction currency values
- base currency value (value 1)
- transaction currency value (value 2)
- second base or reporting currency value (value 3)
- fourth currency value (value 4)
- memo value.
In addition, a fifth currency can be identified on each transaction. Only the currency code and rate for this fifth currency are actually held on the transaction. The fifth currency value can be calculated by the system in reporting.
When you set up a business unit you identify which of these values are required on each transaction. You also determine whether they must or must not be entered on each journal transaction, and whether they can be calculated by the system. If they can be calculated by the system, you choose how they are calculated. The base, transaction and second base/reporting currency values are all calculated via one of these three currencies which is called the pivot currency.
The fourth and fifth currency values cannot be used as the pivot currency and are not necessarily calculated from the pivot currency. These currency values can be calculated from any of the other currency values available on the transaction.