Supplier (SUS) form - Account tab
Specify this information:
- Remittance Supplier Code
- The supplier who holds the account on behalf of a multisite organization. In a multisite environment, a group of supplier locations may have one central point to which remittances should be sent and one consolidated creditor/payables account.
Note: You cannot enter both a Remittance Supplier Code and an Account Code.
- Account Code
- The chart of account's creditor/payables or client account code for this supplier. All of the transactions entered or generated for this supplier are posted to this account. This account must be entered, unless a Remittance Supplier applies for a multisite organization.
Note: You cannot enter both a Remittance Supplier Code and an Account Code.
- If you enter a chart of accounts code that does not exist you can choose to create this new account. If so, you must enter all of the remaining account details.
- If you select an existing creditor/payables or client account, the account details appear in the relevant fields and you can alter any of this information, if required. You must select an open or suspended account and cannot choose an account that has been assigned to another supplier.
- Account Type
- The type of chart of accounts account. This defaults to Creditor but can be changed to Client, if the new supplier is also a customer.
- Lookup Code
- A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set to FUELEXP.
- User Area
- A free format area you can use to maintain any additional information required for the supplier.
- Description
- The full name or description of the data item or record. This is used to identify it on reports and inquiries.
- Short Heading
- The short heading, which is used where space is limited. If this is blank it defaults to the first characters of the description.
- Suppress Revaluation
- This option excludes the supplier from Ledger Revaluation, even if it falls within a range of accounts for which ledger revaluation is being run.
- Balance Type
- This field enables you to indicate whether this account is a Balance Forward or an Open Item account.
- Long Description
- Any additional descriptive information you want to maintain for the supplier.
- Link Account Code
- The account code of an account to be linked with this account via Journal Presets (JNP). Otherwise, leave this blank.
- Status
- Each static data record contains a status code that determines the current processing status of the record. A status is assigned to each static reference record, for example to every account, asset, customer and supplier. It determines the current processing status of the record.
- Open - this status is set automatically when you add a new record, for example, if you create a new account. Open items are available for input, inquiry, processing and reporting.
- Hidden - a record with a hidden status does not appear on any inquiries but is available for input, processing and reporting.
- Suspended/Held - a suspended record.
- Closed/Completed - a closed record cannot be used for input or processing. For example, you cannot post transactions to a closed account or analysis code.
- You can alter the status of a record at any time. You must use the options on the Action menu to change the status.
- Allocation in Progress
- Indicates whether or not transactions are being allocated for the account or whether this is not applicable.
- Data Access Group Code
- The Data Access Group is used to restrict operator access to the data, for example, to an account or customer record. Leave this blank to allow any user to access the record. Data Access Groups are maintained using Security Console.
- Chart of Accounts
- Click on this button to access the Chart of Accounts record for the current supplier code.
- Save your changes.
Related topics
- What are the Account Types?
- Ledger Revaluation
- What are the Balance Types?
- Setting Up Journal Presets
- Setting up Chart of Accounts