Using Business Unit Name

Complete these steps to name a business unit.

  1. From the main SunSystems menu, select Business Unit Name (BUN)
  2. Complete this information:
    The name of business unit.
    Lookup Code
    A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set to FUELEXP.
    Short Heading
    The short heading, which is used where space is limited. If this is blank it defaults to the first characters of the description.
    Payment Terms Group Code
    The payment terms adopted by the business unit organization. Payment terms are defined using Payment Terms (PYT).
    Note:  This setting is for information only and will not be applied to a transaction. To use payment terms, they must be applied to the Customer or Supplier.
    E-mail Address
    The organization's email address.
    Invoice Address Code
    The code identifying the business unit's own invoice address, which may differ to the business unit's address identified using Business Unit Address Setup. Addresses are defined using Addresses (ADD).
    Web Page Address
    The organization's web address.
    Preferred Payment Method
    The payment method the business unit prefers to use when paying suppliers.
    Payment Receipt Method
    The payment method the business unit would prefer its customers to use when paying for goods and services.
    Business Unit Address
    Click this to identify the business unit's address and default invoice address using Business Unit Addresses Setup.
  3. Save your changes.