
Housekeeping clears data entries within SQL tables. It can take a long time to complete, therefore it is recommended to set this up as a scheduled task.

  1. In Business Unit Administration select the Business Unit.
  2. Select Actions > Advanced > Housekeeping
  3. Specify the Business Unit Code as selected in Business Unit Administration.
  4. In the Number of Months to Retain Ledger Details field specify the number of months to retain the ledger details.
  5. In the Number of Weeks to Retain Interface Tables field specify the number of weeks to retain the interface tables data.
  6. In the Number of Weeks to Retain Financial Reports field specify the number of weeks to retain the financial reporting tables data.
  7. Select the Number of Weeks to Retain Business Unit Temporary Tablesto retain Business Unit temporary tables data.
  8. In the Number of Weeks to Retain Business Unit Work Tables field specify the number of weeks to retain the Data Dictionary difference tables data.
  9. In the Number of Weeks to Retain Other Work Tables field specify the number of weeks to retain the Business Unit work table data.
  10. Click Run to start the housekeeping process.
    Parameter Tables provides a full list of the tables that are cleared by Housekeeping.