SunSystems user settings

Note: If you log on as a normal user, with no administrator rights, you have read-only access to your own details as listed below. You cannot add users, edit details, or view details for other users.

When creating or maintaining a user in User Manager, further options are available for SunSystems v6.3.

  1. Select SunSystems from the menu to display the following fields:
    Operator Code
    Enter a code to identify this SunSystems operator. The operator code must be three characters long, and is utilized by SunSystems to represent the user you are creating in User Manager. Once created, this SunSystems operator is mapped to the User Name.
    • This is not the code used to log on to SunSystems. The User Name is used to log on.
    • Operator codes must not contain accented characters.
    Describes the current status of an operator code:
    • Open

      the operator code has been created and configured to use User Manager and SunSystems

    • Suspended/Held

      the operator code is removed from all operator groups

    • Closed/Completed

      the operator code has been deleted.

    Lookup Code
    A lookup code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particularly useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example, the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup Code is set to FUELEXP.
    Short Heading
    The short heading, which is used where space is limited. If this is blank it defaults to the first characters of the description.
    Default Business Unit
    Select the default business unit for the operator. This allows the operator to access forms for a specific business unit. However, operators can still use alternative business units by using Change Business Unit (CBU).
    Default Budget
    Select the default budget ledger for this Operator Id. This prevents budget code requests for those functions that do not have a budget code specifically defined.
    Set Operating System Date
    Select a login date setting. The options are:
    • Confirm at Login

      The date is supplied and can be changed, but must be confirmed.

    • Automatic

      The date is supplied and cannot be changed. No confirmation is required.

    • Force Entry

      The date must be entered by the operator.

    Note:  SunSystems uses the date from the server on which the SunSystems Security service is running, as the default date when the user logs in. SunSystems Reporting Services uses the date from the Report server for the Print Date that can be printed on reports. Therefore, it is recommended that the time zones on these servers are set to that of the SunSystems users. If this is not possible, or if there are users in different time zones, then the Set Operating System Date for the users in time zones that are different to the Security server should not be set to Automatic. If the user's time zone is significantly different to that of the Security server's such that when they log in, the default date is not their current date, then this should be set to Force Entry, so that it is not possible for the incorrect default date to be used.
    Temporary Work Folder

    This is a folder where temporary files are stored. If left blank, temporary files are stored in the SunSystems program directory.


    Environment variables can be entered in the format $AAA\, where AAA is the environment variable name, and shared folders on remote computers can be entered in the format \\BBB\CCC , where BBB is the name of the remote computer and CCC the name of the shared folder.

  2. Save your changes.