External transfer profiles
You can use external transfer profiles to process a data file in one format, from an application external to SunSystems, and save the processed data in a new file with a different format. You can use all the facilities of Transfer Desk to process the data, such as map, lookup, assign to and function. Use Format Designer to define a format for the source or target data file and use Transformation Designer to define the structure of the target data file. For example you can transfer the data from a flat file from another system to XML or comma delimited format.
Use External Transfer Profile Designer to create a new external transfer profile as follows:
- Open Transfer Profiles (TRP).
Click New
Transfer Profile Designer opens.
Complete this information:
- Profile Type
- Select External Transfer to open the External Transfer Profile Designer dialog.
- Profile Name
- Enter a unique profile name. This name is given to your profile and identifies the profile.
- Description
- Enter a description of the profile.
- Source Data Format
- Select a source data format. This usually matches the target component.
- File basis
- Click the File basis
drop-down list to specify whether the file basis is client or
You can override this option at run time.
- File name
- Click the browse
button on the value field and navigate to the file required.
You can override this option at run time.
- File action
- The source File
action runtime option is exclusive to Imports. Click
File action. The
Source File Action dialog
opens. In the Action list,
select the action to be performed once processing is complete:
- None (default)
- Delete after processing
- Rename after processing
- Move after processing
If you choose to rename, you must enter the new name in the subsequent field.
If you choose to move the source file, you must enter the new location in the subsequent field or click Browse to open the Server Folder dialog, where you can select a folder as the destination.
You can override this option at run time.
- Target Data Format
- Select a target data format. This usually matches the source component.
- Transformation
- Select a transformation.
Where the source and target are the same SunSystems data format, a default system transformation is provided for you. You must create a transformation if the source and target formats are not compatible.
- File basis
- Click the File basis
drop-down list to specify whether the file basis is client or
You can override this option at run time.
- File name
- Click the browse
button on the value field and navigate to the file required.
You can override this option at run time.
- File encoding
- Select the type of character encoding used in the export file.
Common types are UTF-8 and ASCII. Contact your system administrator
if you are unsure of which type to use.
You can override this option at run time.
- Generate unique file name
- Only available for export profiles and external transfer
profiles. Select No to use the file name
entered above, or select Yes to add a unique
suffix to the file name at run time.
You can override this option at run time.
- Overwrite file of same name
- Only available for export profiles and external transfer
profiles, and when the Generate
unique file name is set to
No. Select Yes to
allow the file to be overwritten if it already exists. Select
No to ensure a file is not overwritten if
it has the same name as the filename specified above.
You can override this option at run time.
- Append to file of same name
- Only available for export profiles and external transfer
profiles, and when the Generate
unique file name is set to No. Select
Yes to append the output data to the file
specified in the filename. Select No to
ensure a file is not appended to if it has the same name as the
You can override this option at run time.
- Email Notification
- In the Email
Notification list, select
Enabled to notify users when the profile
has been processed, otherwise select
You can override this option at run time.
- Email Address
- Enter the full email address to which you want a notification
sent when processing is complete, using the appropriate format, such
as name@emailserver.address. If you want to
notify several email addresses, list them all in this field,
separating each with a semi colon.Note: Email addresses are not validated, therefore you are recommended to verify they are correct.
You can override this option at run time.
- Email Content
- The email notification automatically contains the text for
whether the process has succeeded or failed. If you want to append
any additional text to the notification, enter it here, otherwise
leave blank.
You can override this option at run time.
Click Save
Note: You can use the '*' asterisk wild-card, and the '?' question mark, when entering the source and target file names.
Click Discard Changes if you do not want to save the new profile.
- Click Yes to return to Transfer Profiles, or click No to remain in Transfer Profile Designer.