

A grid shows multiple records in spreadsheet format. This is useful for example for comparing data or checking whether a record already exists.

Grids can be used in the same way as most MS Windows spreadsheets; you can resize the columns, highlight rows, and scroll to different areas.

Resizing Columns

To resize columns move your pointer over the right-hand edge of a column heading until the pointer changes to a dual-ended arrow, and drag the column to the required size. In the Windows client, you can double-click the dual-ended arrow to auto-resize a column.

Freezing Columns (Windows client only)

If you need to keep one or more columns of data always in view you can freeze them. To do this:

Right-click on the column heading and select Freeze Pane/Unfreeze Pane from the resultant shortcut menu.

Note: All columns to the left of the selected column will be frozen/unfrozen as well.