Related data: Item
- Alternative Items
- Characteristics
- Storage Characteristics
- Costs (Item User Defined Cost)
- Serial No. Format
- Item UOM (unit of Measure)
- Item Analysis 1-10
- Purchase Item Price
- Selling Item Price
- Account Recognition Code
- Assign Conversions
- Standard Text
- Standard Text Language.
If the standard text supplied in the payload does not exist then it is created. However, it is not possible to amend existing standard text by this means; existing standard text is attached by key only, and any non-key fields in the SSC payload are ignored. Standard text can be amended using the Standard Text Language Variants function from SunSystems or the SSC component StandardTextLanguageVariants.
The standard text to be attached is language specific and therefore must be included within the StandardTextLang part of the payload in order to be detected by the SSC component, as shown in the following example: