Miscellaneous Permissions - Financials

The miscellaneous permissions associated with Financials are divided into two parts: Apply Restrictions - Transactions, and Apply Restrictions - Static Data Maintenance. In both cases, you can control how the Data Access Groups that are assigned to accounts and journal types affect this user group.

The permissions or restrictions are applied to individual accounts and journal types by assigning Data Access Groups (DAG) to them in Chart of Accounts (COA) and Journal Type Setup (JNT) respectively.

Note: Setting the Apply Restrictions options is only effective in this tab if the Account Data Security and Journal Type Data Security options are set for the business unit in Business Unit Setup (BUS).
  1. Specify this information:
    Apply Restrictions - Transactions
    Use these options to determine whether members of this user group require permissions to enter certain account codes or journal types in ledger transactions, or to report/inquire on transactions already posted to those accounts or with those journal types. Set the options to apply the restrictions as appropriate.
    • Account - Ledger Entry: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access group restrictions when entering an account code in a ledger transaction using Ledger Entry (LEN), Account Allocations (ACA), and Payment Run (PYR).
    • Account - Reporting & Inquiry: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access groups associated with accounts, when inquiring or reporting on transactions.
    • Journal Type - Ledger Entry: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access group restrictions when entering a journal type in a ledger transaction using Ledger Entry (LEN), Account Allocations (ACA), and Payment Run (PYR).
    • Journal Type - Reporting & Inquiry: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access groups associated with journal types, when inquiring or reporting on transactions.
    Apply Restrictions - Static Data Maintenance
    Use these options to determine whether members of this user group require permissions to view and maintain the details of accounts and journal types. Set the options to apply the restrictions as appropriate.

    You can apply restrictions to Update without necessarily applying restrictions to View. However, the reverse is not true. If you apply restrictions to View you must also apply restrictions to Update. This is because you cannot modify the details of an static data record without first viewing that record. For example, to update an account you must first access its account code and view the record in Chart of Accounts (COA), so restricting the ability to view the account therefore necessarily means restricting the ability to update it.

    • Account - Update: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access group restrictions when updating the account details in Chart of Accounts (COA).
    • Account - View: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access groups associated with accounts, when inquiring on the list of available accounts in functions that require you to select an account code, including Chart of Accounts (COA) itself.
    • Journal Type - Update: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access group restrictions when updating the journal type details in Journal Type Setup (JNT).
    • Journal Type - View: Determines whether this user group must comply with, or ignore, the data access groups associated with journal types, when inquiring on the list of available journal types in functions that require you to select a journal type, including Journal Type Setup (JNT) itself.
    View/Amend Held and Provisional Journals created by others
    Set this option to allow users in this user group to retrieve and modify journals that have been held or provisionally posted by other users. Alternatively, if it is possible that any sensitive journals may be held or posted provisionally, switch this option off to prohibit users in this group from accessing held and provisional journals created by other users
  2. Save your changes.