Creating a group

  1. On the Groups pane, highlight the top level group into which you want to add the new group.
  2. Click the Create Group button on the toolbar to display a blank Group Detail form.
    Note: The options available are dependent on the top level group in which the new group is being added.
  3. Click the Group Detail tab and specify this information:
    Note: This information is common to all groups.
    Group Name
    The unique name that identifies this group.
    Use this field to record a detailed description of the group, such as role or department.
  4. To add or maintain an operator group, click the Operator Group tab and specify this information:
    Operator Group Code
    Enter a code to identify this operator group. The group being created here is then mapped to this operator group.
    Short Heading
    The Short Heading is a shortened version of the Description to be used instead where space is limited. If you leave this blank it defaults to the first characters of the Description.
    Clear Operator at Login
    Operators may get locked out of due to, for example, system failures. Check this check box to enable members of this group to clear their own logins in order to remove the lock on their operator if this happens.
    Note: If this setting is not enabled, operators must contact their system administrators in order to clear their login.
    A status is assigned to each record and determines the current processing status of the record.
    This status is set automatically when you add a new record e.g. if you create a new user. Open items are available for input, inquiry, processing and reporting.
    A record with a hidden status does not appear on any inquiries but is available for input, processing and reporting.
    A suspended record.
    A closed record cannot be used for input or processing.
    Lookup Code
    A Lookup Code can be used to find a record, as an alternative to the record code. It is often set to a shortened version of the description. It is particulary useful if a record is often referred to using different codes. For example:
    • the Chart of Accounts code for Fuel Expenses is 75201 and the Lookup code is set to FUELEXP.
    • the Customer code for WHSmith is set to WHSmith and the Lookup code is set to SMITHWH.
    Requisitioning User Group
  5. Click the User Default Settings tab and specify this information:
    Default Business Unit
    Default Ledger
    Set Operating System Date
    Temporary Work Folder
  6. Click the Function Permissions tab and select the required check box(es) to give the group access to functions.
    Note: You can filter the list of functions by clicking the column headers.
    Select All
    Select this check box to change the permission status for all of the currently filtered functions.
  7. Click the Data Access Group tab and specify this information:
  8. Click the Miscellaneous Permissions tab and specify this information: