All fields used in the report from the chosen business object are displayed in the Fields List pane and you can use any of these in an expression.
To link a business object field to a report item, you must include in the expression the Fields collection, the name of the field, and the Value property.
For example, to display an account code in a text box, use this expression:
An expression can be short, referring to a field object, or long to include decision functions or formatting based on fields or other report items. Expressions in report items and properties must begin with an equal character (=), otherwise the text is evaluated as a string.
Here are some basic arithmetic and aggregate expressions
- This concatenates the
FirstName field and the
LastName field.
=Fields!FirstName.Value &" "& Fields!LastName.Value
- This adds the Quantity and
UnitPrice for a LineTotal
- This performs a sum
aggregation on the LineTotal