Purchase Return Note form - Batch and Serial Number
Specify this information:
- Batch Reference and Expiration Date
- The batch reference and expiration date to be applied for
traceability purposes as defined in Batch Reference Setup (BRS). Batch
references and expiration dates only apply to goods items that are defined as
batch controlled in the Item Master. If the line is generated, a batch
reference and expiration date may be returned. Generated lines cannot have the
batch reference amended. Manually entered lines allow the batch reference to be
entered or left blank. There can only be one batch reference per line. However,
the batch reference may be overridden when using Manual Allocations.
- Purchase Return Serial Number
- If the item is defined in the Item Master as
serialized, this field must contain a valid Serial Number. If the
line is generated, a serial number may be returned with a quantity -
(minus) 1. Generated lines cannot have the serial number amended.
Manually entered lines allow the serial number to be entered or left
blank. There can only be one serial number per line. However, if the
serial number is left blank on the line, the line quantity may be
greater than 1. The serial number may be allocated and/or overridden
when using Manual Allocations.
Save your changes.