Purchase Order - Delivery
Select .
Specify this information in the Delivery section:
- Delivery Address Code
- The code for the address where the delivery is to
be made.
- Default Location ID
- The location to be used as the default for storage
of the item, as defined in the Item Master (ITM). This is automatically
populated and cannot be amended.
- Own Due Date
- The original date by which the purchase order was
expected to be delivered. To calculate this, the system searches for a
Default Purchasing Lead Time and Default Lead Time Unit setting. First on
the Item Master (ITM), and if this is not set, on the Suppliers Ordering
Addresses Setup. If neither of these are set the current login date is used.
- Own Latest Due Date
- The currently expected delivery date for the
order, if the original date has been amended.
- Supplier Due Date
- The date by which the requester expects the order
to be delivered.
- Supplier Latest Due Date
- The current date when the requester expects the
order to be delivered, if the original date has been amended.
Save your changes.