Movement orders

To create a movement order use Movement Order Entry (MOE).
  • SunSystems is extremely customizable as outlined in About this Help. The Creating a Movement Order topic covers all fields available to the Movement Order Entry function. You may find, therefore, that your form does not cover all of these fields, they may be in a different order or they may be called different names.
  • You can customize your form so that after you have entered an order line, the focus moves to the next new line so it is ready to be entered. You can do this using the Control Properties in Form Designer. That is, if the Next action is defined as the default Action using Form Designer, then pressing Enter or Return will process the current line and move the focus to the next line.

The Movement Order Entry (MOE) form contains header information which applies to all items on the order, and movement order lines for entering individual transaction lines. Your system may have been set up to preset fields on both the line and the header. This simplifies the entry process for repeat information. Once the movement order lines have been created they are processed further using options on the Action menu. They can also be defined as a scheduled order. A movement order can be put on hold at any stage, which prevents further processing until the Release option is selected.

  • The movement type specifies how the order is processed. For example, the stage it must reach before it can be picked or dispatched. The Movement Type function is detailed in SunSystems Administrator Help.
  • Where fields refer to static data, the data must have already been set up. For example, a Warehouse Code must have been defined using the Warehouse Setup function.