Trial balance

A trial balance should be printed at the end of each period.

It is a fundamental audit report. You can use Trial Balance (TBL) to produce a standard trial balance report. You can choose to report on a range of accounting periods or entry dates. The trial balance report shows one line for each account which reports the following values for the period of the report: the opening balance, the total debits, the total credits, the net movement for the period, and the closing balance.

If the previous year's net profit and loss is not equal to zero, the balancing figure is printed immediately prior to the report totals. See 'Ledger Cleardown''.

You can produce subtotals, based on the setting of Trial Balance Subtotal - Position of Character field in Ledger Setup (LES).

The trial balance is produced using the SunSystems Reporting functionality. This means that you can design your own trial balance report, if required. If you are unfamiliar with the steps required to print, view or store a report, see 'Running a Report'.