Matching and allocating transactions
Account Allocation
Matching transactions using account allocation
Matching transactions using account allocation
Use Account Allocations (ACA) to match transactions.
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Matching and allocating transactions
What is Matching?
What Matching and Allocation Facilities are Available?
What is Instalment Checking?
Account Allocation
Understanding the Account Allocation Forms
Balancing the Allocations
Using Account Allocation
Matching transactions using account allocation
Fully Matching Transactions
Changing the Allocation Marker on All Transactions in Account Allocation
Changing the Allocation Marker on a Range of Transactions in Account Allocation
Displaying the Allocation Totals by Currency
Viewing the Allocation Totals
Applying an Imbalance as Discount During Allocation
Matching by Transaction Currency
Posting Exchange Differences During Allocation
Generating Transactions from Account Allocation
Splitting Transactions
Posting Allocations
Transaction Matching
Allocation Markers