Entering the Journal Details

Ledger Entry (LEN) is used to enter journal details online. The form contains all, or some, of the following details, depending on the journal type and form layout.

Note:  The fields have been separated into logical groups to make this topic more usable. Not all of these fields may appear on a particular Ledger Entry form, they may appear in a different order and be grouped in different ways on some Ledger Entry forms:
  • Journal Identifying Details
  • Standard Line Details
  • Additional Line Details
  • Payment Terms
  • Multi-Currency
  • Asset Details
  1. Specify this information for Journal Identifying Details:
    Journal Type
    The type of journal or ledger transaction you want to enter, as defined in Journal Types (JNT). The journal type must not have a Status of Closed or Suspended.
    Note: You can link a journal type to a payment profile to pay a transaction immediately after it is posted.
    Business Unit
    The business unit to which the journal is posted. This may be preset.
    Operator Code
    Your initials, department code or any other code you want use to identify the originator of this journal. The Force Journal Source option in Ledger Setup (LES) determines whether this is set automatically to the id of the operator creating or posting the journal or must be entered manually.
  2. Specify this information for Standard Line Details:
    Transaction Reference
    A reference to the accounting or business transaction, normally from the originating document, for example, the invoice number.
    Line Number
    The line number is automatically incremented within the current transaction reference. If you want to view, amend or delete a line, you enter the line number and, if relevant, the line number suffix to identify the transaction you require.
    Accounting Period
    Postings are made to the period entered here. The default accounting period is the current period, unless preset otherwise. You can only post to periods that fall within the open period range specified in Ledger Setup (LES).
    Transaction Date
    The date that applies to this transaction. This defaults to the date on the preceding line for the current transaction reference, or the current date. You can select another date by entering it manually or choosing it from calendar that appears when you click the down arrow.

    You can only post to dates that fall within the open date range specified in Ledger Setup (LES).

    Account Code
    A valid account code, created using Chart of Accounts (COA), to which the amount on this line is posted. You cannot select a closed account. If you select a suspended account a warning appears but you can continue and post to the account.

    A prompt may have been preset to help you enter the correct code, or the account code may be preset and appear automatically. Alternatively, the type of account may have been preset which forces you to enter a particular type of account, for example, a creditor/payables or balance sheet account.

    A description of the business transaction. The default for this field is the descriptive name of the journal type you are using. If you prefer, you can over-type this.

    The Description Per Line option in Journal Types (JNT) determines whether or not you must enter something in this field. If the option is set to No Default Description, then you must enter a description on each line. If it is set to Default Description - Override per Reference, you may enter a new description each time the transaction reference changes. If it is set to Default Description - Override per Line, you may enter a different description on each line. If you do not enter a different description the Journal Name is used as the default.

    The description can also be preset to be the account code or account name using Journal Presets (JNP).

    Base Amount
    • In a single currency environment, this is the amount of the transaction. If the amount is in whole units, you can omit the decimal point and decimal places. The format of amounts, including the number of decimal places, decimal separator, and thousand separator, depends on the Business Unit Setup.

      The amount may be preset, or calculated automatically from another journal line. You can select an option in the Debit/Credit field to automatically set this to a balancing amount.

    Note:  In a multi-currency environment, it may also be calculated from another currency value. This is described later in the Multi-Currency section below.

    If you are using over commitment or over expenditure budget checking you are warned if the amount entered on this line exceeds the remaining budget for the account.

    The Debit/Credit marker determines whether the amount is debited or credited to the chosen account.

    Alternatively, you can select a balancing option to automatically set the Amount and Debit/Credit marker to the value required to balance:

    • the journal as a whole
    • the transactions for the transaction reference on the current line
    • the transactions for the period referenced on the current line.

    If you have used different transaction currencies on different journal lines, or if you have entered any journal lines with exchange rates that differ from the current daily or period rates, then multiple balancing transaction lines may be generated in order to balance all of the different currency values used. In this case, the generated balancing lines share the same line number, but each is given a separate line number suffix (as displayed in the second box of the Line Number field).

    Ledger Analysis Codes
    Up to ten ledger analysis codes can be entered on a ledger transaction. Analysis codes can only be entered for analysis dimensions that have been assigned to the ledger transactions entity. The analysis codes required, and whether they are mandatory or optional, depends on the journal type and the account referenced on the journal transaction. The codes may be preset using journal presets.

    Only valid analysis codes can be entered, as defined using Analysis Codes (ANC), unless the analysis dimension has been defined to allow non validated codes.

    Click the Query button alongside an analysis dimension to select the valid analysis codes for each analysis dimension from the Find Analysis Code form.

    Note: Any analysis dimensions that are initially not available for data entry (due to the defined rules such as being prohibited by the account), become available for editing after you complete the current journal line. However, if you subsequently enter any details in these fields, the system still applies the same checks as before, and prohibits entry of any analysis not allowed under the defined rules.
    Note: If you use an analysis dimension that has been defined as the transaction sequence dimension, the code must be numeric.
  3. Specify this information for Additional Line Details:
    Value Date
    For cash transactions, as defined by the Posting Journal Type field of Journal Types (JNT), only. The date on, or past, which the transaction can be allocated.
    Instalment Date
    The instalment date for the transaction, if this posting is one of several instalments due. This is only required if Instalment Checking is enabled on Ledger Setup (LES) and the instalment date is being checked
    Instalment Number
    The instalment number for the transaction, if this posting is one of several instalments due. This is only required if Instalment Checking is enabled on Ledger Setup (LES) and the instalment number is being checked.
    Allocation Marker
    You can set the allocation marker for the journal during ledger entry by using this field. Forced journal listings and documents will then be produced depending on the allocation marker setting. Once a particular transaction has been printed, its allocation marker is incremented by one.
    Memorandum Amount
    You can enter a memorandum amount for this journal line. This may be a non-financial value associated with the journal line, for example a quantity or headcount. You cannot enter a memo value if the Non-Currency Value Post Rule in Business Unit Setup is set as 0-Undefined, or the Memo Post Rule Override field in Journal Types (JNT) is set as 0-Undefined.
    Note:  If you enter a memorandum amount in Ledger Entry when Asset Quantity is in use, this could affect the number of assets recorded on the Asset Register. See 'Asset Details' below.
    Standard Text
    You can add standard text to this journal line, by selecting Action > Line > Standard Text.
    Journal Notes
    Identifies if there are any journal notes associated with this journal line. Select Action > Line > Notes to create and assign journal notes to this journal.
    Second Reference
    You can enter a Second Reference for each journal line, if you are not using the Second Reference for Voucher Numbering.
    Note:  If Second Reference is required, it must also have been previously included in the Ledger Entry form using Form Designer (FRD).
    Additional Fields
    You can record additional information in each journal line, such as supplementary references or related dates, providing these additional fields have been previously defined in Additional Fields Setup (AFS).
    Note:  Any additional fields required must also have been previously included in the Ledger Entry form using Form Designer (FRD).
  4. The following fields identify the payment related details for the journal transaction. Therefore, they are only required if the transaction relates to a purchase or sales transaction, for example an invoice or credit note. A set of payment terms can be used to determine many of these details. A payment terms code can be entered manually for the transaction, or the customer or supplier payment terms is used. Specify this information for Payment Terms:
    Due Date
    The date the transaction is due to be paid, or by which payment should have been received. If payment terms apply, this date may be calculated automatically. Alternatively, you can enter the due date manually.

    If the Override Ageing/Discounts option is set for the journal type, the transaction date is copied to the due date and this overrides any calculated or entered date. This is used to request an immediate payment.

    Terms Code
    The payment terms code to apply to the transaction. This can determine selected dates and discount terms. If this is left blank, the payment terms code assigned to the supplier or customer is used.
    Document Date 1-4
    Four document dates can be held on each transaction. They can be printed on payment documents or used by the Reporting facilities. These dates may be determined by the payment terms, or they can be entered manually.
    Prefix 1-4
    The prefix and numbers associated with up to four associated documents.
    Discount Date 1/Percentage
    The first discount due date and percentage settlement discount available if payment is made by this date. These details may be determined by the payment terms, or they can be entered manually.

    If the Override Ageing/Discounts option is set for the journal type, the transaction date is copied to the discount date and overrides any calculated date.

    Discount Date 2/Percentage
    A second discount due date and percentage settlement discount available if payment is made by this date. If the first discount due date is missed, these second discount details are considered. These details may be determined by the payment terms or can be entered manually.

    If the Override Ageing/Discounts option is set for the journal type, the transaction date is copied to the discount date and overrides any calculated date.

    Late Payment Date/Percentage
    If the payment terms are exceeded, you may want to charge interest on the late payment. You can identify the late payment date and interest rate percent. These details can be calculated from the payment terms, or entered manually.
    Note: This information is held for information only on the transaction and is not used to automatically calculate an interest charge.
    Interest Date/Percentage
    You may want to charge interest on the transaction amount in which case you can specify the interest date and interest rate percent. These details can be calculated from the payment terms, or entered manually.
    Note: This information is held for information only on the transaction and is not used to automatically calculate an interest charge.
  5. Four currency values can be entered, or calculated automatically, for a transaction. The values to be entered or calculated depend on the business unit setup and posting rules, any journal type or account posting overrides, and any journal presets.

    Fifth currency values cannot be entered, but a fifth currency code can be derived from the account or the Business Unit Setup at the time the transaction is created. This will allow fifth currency values to be calculated on an ad-hoc basis in reporting.

    Note: At least one daily or period currency rate must have been defined for any currencies you reference in the journal.
  6. The following transaction currency details may be required in a multi-currency environment. Some of the details may be preset by the journal preset. The Value 2 Currency Post Rule set in Business Unit Setup determines whether these details must be entered manually, or are calculated automatically if they are not entered.
    Note: Transaction currency values cannot be entered if Value 2 Other Currency Post Rule in Business Unit Setup is set as Undefined, or Transaction Post Rule Override for this value in Journal Type (JNT) is set as Unused.

    Specify this information for Transaction Currency:

    Transaction Currency Code
    The currency code for the transaction currency. This code may be provided by a journal preset, or default to the currency code set for the account.
    Transaction Currency Rate
    The currency rate used to convert the value in this currency into the pivot currency. The rate may be provided by a journal preset. Otherwise, it defaults to the rate set in Currency Daily Rates (CND) or Currency Period Rates (CNP).

    You can enter a different rate for this journal transaction, overriding the default rate. This new rate must be within the tolerance set.

    Transaction Currency Amount
    The transaction amount, expressed in the transaction currency. This value can be entered manually. If the Calculated if not entered option is chosen as the Other Currency Post Rule in Business Unit Setup, this amount is calculated from one of the other transaction values.
    This determines whether the amount is a debit or a credit. Alternatively, you can select a balancing option to automatically set the Amount and Debit/Credit marker to values that balances the journal, transaction or period.
  7. The following base currency details are mandatory. Some of the details may be preset by the journal preset. The Base Currency Post Rule set in Business Unit Setup determines whether these details must be entered manually, or are calculated automatically if they are not entered.

    Specify this information for Base Currency:

    Base Currency Code
    The base currency code is displayed automatically. It is defined in Business Unit Setup and cannot be changed.
    Base Currency Rate
    The currency exchange rate used to convert the base currency to the pivot currency. The rate may be provided by a journal preset. Otherwise, it defaults to the rate set in Currency Daily Rates (CND) or Currency Period Rates (CNP).

    You can enter a different rate for this journal transaction, overriding the default rate. This new rate must be within the tolerance set.

    You cannot amend the number of decimal places for the rate.

    Base Currency Amount
    The amount of the transaction expressed in the base currency. This amount is mandatory. It can be entered manually, or may be calculated automatically depending on the posting rules.
  8. The following currency details reflect either the second base currency or reporting currency for the transaction, depending on the choice made in Business Unit Setup.
    Note:  Second Base/Reporting currency values cannot be entered and will not be auto-calculated if:
    • Business Unit Setup - Value 3 Currency Post Rule is set as Undefined.
    • Journal Type - Base 2 / Rep Post Rule Override is set as Unused.
    • Chart of Accounts - Report Conversion Control within the Currency tab is set to No

    Specify this information for Second Base/Reporting Currency Code:

    Second Base/Reporting Currency Code
    The second base or reporting currency code is displayed automatically. It is defined in Business Unit Setup and cannot be changed.
    Second Base/Reporting Currency Rate
    The currency exchange rate used to convert the currency to the pivot currency. The rate may be provided by a journal preset. Otherwise, it defaults to the rate set in Currency Daily Rates (CND) or Currency Period Rates (CNP).

    You can enter a different rate for this journal transaction, overriding the default rate. This new rate must be within the tolerance set.

    You cannot amend the number of decimal places for the rate.
    Second Base/Reporting Currency Amount
    The transaction amount, expressed in the second base or reporting currency, is calculated and displayed automatically if this currency is in use. You can only enter a reporting currency value, if the Base 2 / Rep Post Rule Override option is set in Journal Type Setup (Posting Overrides) (JDX). You cannot ever enter a second base currency value. The following details are only required if the journal transaction relates to a fixed asset. For example, if an asset has been purchased or sold. These details may be held on a separate tab.
  9. The following fourth currency details may be required if fourth currency has been defined in Business Unit Setup. Like the transaction currency, the fourth currency can be defined in Business Unit Setup as Calculated if Not Entered or Only Present if Entered.
    Note:  Transaction values cannot be entered for the fourth currency if the 4th Currency Posting Rule is set to Undefined on Business Unit Setup, or within a Journal Type Posting Override for a particular journal.

    Specify this information for Fourth Currency:

    Fourth Currency Code
    The currency code for fourth currency. This code can be fixed within Business Unit Setup, provided by a journal preset, or defaulted to the currency code set for the account.
    Fourth Currency Rate
    The currency rate used to convert the value in the 4th Currency Calculate From field within Business Unit Setup, to the fourth currency. The rate may be provided by a journal preset. Otherwise, it defaults to the rate set in Currency Daily Rates (CND) or Currency Period Rates (CNP). You can enter a different rate for this journal transaction, overriding the default rate. This new rate must be within the tolerance set.
    Fourth Currency Amount
    This value can be entered manually. If the Calculated if not entered option is selected as the Other Currency Post Rule within Business Unit Setup, this value is calculated from the Value defined in the 4th Currency Calculate From field within Business Unit Setup.
  10. The following details are only required if the journal transaction relates to a fixed asset. For example, if an asset has been purchased or sold. These details may be held on a separate tab.

    Specify this information for Asset Details:

    Asset Code
    The asset code created in Asset Records (FAS). You cannot post transactions to an asset with a status of Disposal. You are warned if you try to post to an asset after the depreciation end period.
    Asset Sub Code
    A valid subcode for the asset. This is used to determine the analysis code requirements for the transaction, if any. Asset subcodes are defined using Asset Posting Presets Setup which is accessed from Asset Records (FAS).
    Asset Indicator
    Select Initial if the posting is for a new asset, or if you are migrating assets into SunSystems from another asset register. Otherwise, use Asset Indicator to determine whether this posting updates the gross value on the asset record, or the accumulated depreciation.
    Note:  It is not normally recommended to enter depreciation amounts in Ledger Entry, except under the circumstances described in 'Manually Posting a Depreciation Amount'.
    Asset Quantity
    You can enter multiple units as a single asset when making fixed asset postings, for example, when purchasing 100 chairs but recording these as a single asset. Use Memorandum Amount in Ledger Entry (LEN) to record the number of units.
    Note: To record asset quantities in Ledger Entry (LEN), the following configuration must previously have been defined:
    • the Use Asset Quantity option on the General tab in Ledger Setup (LES) must be checked
    • the Non-Currency Value Post Rule on the Memo Value tab of Business Unit Setup must not be set to 0-Undefined
    • the Memo Post Rule Override field in Journal Types Setup (Posting Overrides) (JDX) must not be set to 0-Undefined.
  11. Save your changes.