Assigning Payment Document Reference Numbers
SunSystems can optionally generate and assign a unique transaction reference to each payment document it produces. This transaction reference is updated onto the payment transaction and provides a useful audit control.
This facility is particularly useful if you are printing documents on pre-numbered stationery, for example if you are printing cheques where a cheque number has been preprinted on the stationery. It allows you to ensure the system assigns the correct number to the payment transaction.
Payment document transaction reference numbers are generated if a transaction reference format is identified for the document format in Document Format (DFS).
The transaction reference format is defined using Transaction References (TRS). This determines the format of the reference number and how it is generated.
The reference number can be generated automatically as a numbered sequence, for example for cheque numbers. Alternatively, it can be preset to a constant value.
If a numbered sequence is required, the details are defined and controlled using Number Streams (NSS).
Setting the Reference Number
If transaction reference numbers are being assigned to payment documents, you can use Number Streams (NSS) to view and set the next number to be used.
For example, if you are printing cheques on preprinted stationery that includes the cheque number, you must set the Next Sequence Number to identify the first cheque number in the cheque stationery being used for a payment run.
This next sequence number can be set by the user at run time, before the payment documents are printed, if the Next Number Override option is set for the payment document on Document Format (DFS).
Updating the Transaction Reference
The transaction reference number that is assigned to a payment document can optionally be stored as the transaction reference on the payment transactions generated and posted by Payment Run or Payment Collection Run. See 'What Postings are Generated by Payment Run?'
This is controlled by setting the Update Document Details field on Document Format (DFS) for the payment document to Transaction Reference will be Updated.