Consolidation - Exchange Gain / Loss Analysis
Click Exch Gain/Loss Analysis to display the Payment Run Consolidation form for the exchange gain / loss transaction analysis codes.
Specify this information:
- Analysis Dimensions
The Payment Run Consolidation form lists the analysis dimensions assigned to the ledger. You can use this form to assign analysis codes to any exchange gain / loss transactions generated by currency payments.
Leave all of the analysis dimensions blank if you want to post a single consolidated transaction for each exchange gain/loss difference generated. This is the default option. Alternatively, you can enter a specific analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on any exchange gain / loss transactions.
Note: You cannot use this feature for transaction sequence or daybook codes. - Consolidate Hierarchy
If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate the transactions at each level of the hierarchy.
- Save your changes.